Enrolled and Available Modules
Here are the eEnergyTraining modules you are currently enrolled in and others which are available. Select any module you would like to enroll in to list the content of the course. To enroll and pay for any module select the "Take the Course" button at the top of the course content page. You will be redirected to PayPal to purchase the course.
Note: You may purchase each module individually from this page or purchase a full course bundle for a reduced price. See the Details and Fees page for more information or to save 24% with the 11 module full course bundle.
Unsure of the order you should enroll in the modules? They are listed below with our suggested progression through the material.

BOMA Energy Training for Building Operations
This icon indicates you are taking the 'full course'. There is no content here. We recommend you begin with the "Energy Management Overview" module. Enjoy your course!

eEnergy Training Introduction
Understand the course layout. Familiarize yourself with the learning interface.

Energy Management Overview
Learn what energy management is, why it’s important and about the benefits.

Lighting Systems
Identify operational and technical opportunities for lighting efficiency.

Electrical Systems
Identify savings opportunities. Lighting is not covered in this module.